People volunteer with us for many different reasons. They may be studying and wish to get some experience in the area of work that they wish to make their career, they may be retired and so want to do the kind of thing they didn't have the time to do when they were working. They may wish to make a difference in their local community or  to give something back for the support they or their family have received from SWAN. Whatever your reason we welcome you. If you have the skills and experience that we are seeking come and talk to us.

Trustees Required 

Swan Women’s Centre is a mental health and wellbeing charity that has been providing a wide range of services for young women and adult women since 1989.

We have a team of 11 paid members of staff and over 80 volunteers who contribute towards the work that the charity delivers. Approximately 2000 women who access support and services throughout the year.

Swan Women's Centre is looking for a number of Trustees and we welcome both men and women from under represented sections of the community who have the skills that we require. Trustees do not receive remuneration, but reasonable out-of-pocket expenses are payable. 

Applicants will have the ability to contribute significantly to strategic planning and governance of the charity and have skills and experience in one or more of the following fields: General business/management; Strategic planning; HR and training; Finance and accountancy; Health and Social Care/Mental Health; Property; Marketing and Fundraising.

Please visit the Charity Commission for further information regarding the role of a Trustee.

If you would like to apply for the role of Trustee then you can either download the application form or email us and an application form will be sent to you.

If you would like to know more about the role then please feel free to contact Karen Christie, Chief Executive [email protected] 07804894241 or Trish Hardy Chair of Trustees on 0151 933 3292 

Trustee Application form

Trustee Role Profile

Swan Women's Centre is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1011971 and company number 2720502 at Linacre Road, Litherland, Liverpool, L21 6NR. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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